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The Life & Magic of Stewart James (1908-1996)



You must love the problem you are working on – not only the result desired but, more importantly, Creative Imagination itself and the like-no-other exhilaration of exploring a world where no other person has ever trod.  At the same time, of course, you must be practical enough to blaze your trail so that you will be able to return to the land of reality and disappointment.  This may be the answer to a question that has troubled me for years: “What limits the imagination?” One can project the mind only so far, and then one must use individual judgment as to when to turn back.

— Stewart James

One of the most intriguing aspects of Stewart James’ legacy, and one of the most important opportunities available to magicians who study him today, is the invitation for experimentation suggested by his writing on the creative process.

Your web browser has brought you to the entryway, the border-crossing, which leads to the most ethereal reaches in the Jamesian universe.



Copyright © 2007 Joe Culpepper and Magicana. All rights reserved.